Friday, 27 June 2014

First Hybrid Cardiac Surgery North Kerala,India

On Friday, June 27, 2014

          The baby was diagnosed with TOF (Tetralogy of Fallot) which is a defect in the heart consisting of a hole between the lower pumping chambers (VSD) and obstruction to blood flow to the lungs (Pulmonary stenosis) this resulted in the baby being blue which worsened when he cried. In addition, this situation was complicated by the left lung artery not being connected to the main pulmonary artery. The usual practice in these situations has been to conduct two operations at two different times. Which would be doubling the risks and expenses for the family. In this situation it is prudent to use hybrid surgicaltechniques so that the two different procedures could be completed as a one-time procedure.  
         A hybrid procedure combines the skills of pediatric cardiac surgeons and pediatric interventional cardiologists (heart catheterization experts) in one procedure, addressing the child’s problem in the most effective way possible.
Our special  team allows for hybrid procedures that were not possible until recently, offering sophisticated therapeutic techniques to all children. By combining the skills of interventionalists, surgeons, echocardiographers and anesthesiologists, a patient’s treatment can be effective and long lasting under one anesthetic.
“This collaboration allows us to perform all the required procedures for a child at one time,” notes Dr. Benedict Raj, Sr. Consultant Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon, MIMS Children’s Heart Centre. “We can work quickly and effectively using both surgical and interventional cardiology techniques to provide maximum benefit to the patient. It also improves the ICU stay after cardiac surgery and the length of stay in the hospital”
This is the way to the future, collaboration over cooperation.
The surgery was lead by Dr. Benedict Raj, Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon, and Paediatric cardiologists, Dr. Renu P Kurup and Dr. Ramadevi K.S and Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesiologists Dr. Sujatha P. and Dr. Mohandas B.S.




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