Upcoming technologies and developments plays a major role in the area of cardiac
surgery.we have studied from our higher secondary classes about cardiac
diseases.The term “cardio” means heart,so here we are familiarizing with its
different aspects.We are very heared about the term heart attack. Any diseases
that involves the heart may be acquired or congenital which cannot be
completely cured by tablets performs cardiac surgery.The surgical procedure
includes replacing diseased valves ,open or bypass blocked
vesels,transplantation etc..

Heart surgery can be done in two different ways.Open
and closed,closed technique involves the usage of a small incision,whereas open
technique involves the opening of the heart chambers fully and it visibles too.Before
doing cardiac surgery proper care should be taken ie,metabolic imbalances and
cardiac ailments should be corrected by performing diagnostics and laboratory
tests.The patient should be given general anaesthesia.Heart lung machine is
connected to the opened chest cavity of the patient.After surgery the patient
should be shifted to the intensive care unit for constant observation such that
there may be chances for occurring
haemorhhage ,shock,sudden chest pain,organ failure etc..Pulses ,blood pressure
,pulmonary artery pressure and ECG are monitored.if any misfunction visible on
the monitor such as raising the blood pressure the patient’s bed is elevated to
a semi fowler’s position.This is done to enhance chest drainage and lung
expansion.Oxygen is provided to the patient as the patient may be quickly
extubated.Chest tude drainage,temperature,urinary output are noted hourly.For
the prevention of infection antibiotics are given and sometimes blood
transfusions are also given.During the first 48 hours after surgery ,the chance
for the patient to face the death is high.
of the popular cardiac procedures are ‘angioplasty’ also known as
PCI(Percutanious coronary interventions),balloon angioplasty so on..Why we are
using this angioplasty is decreases chest pain,increases ability for physical
activity,reduces risk of a heart attack,prevent strock etc..Other procedures
are artificial heart plant surgery,bypass surgery,minimally invasive heart
surgery etc..The very critical area of cardiac surgery occurs after surgery
ie,heart failure.It is caused by heart by not pumbing as much blood and oxygen
that the heart needs.Some areas of heart may not work properly this leads to
heart failure.Heart failure can be discussed as two types as diastolic
dysfunction and systolic dysfunction .Silent ischemia is a condition in which
in some parts of the body flowing of blood is restricted due to the narrowing
of heart artery.People having this condition without pain and so we may not be
able to identify before an attack,important reason for heart attack can be
connected with the number of cigerrates he or she using.

main and most focusing thought about this heart diseases and all that is having
a positive mentality towards the disease.Avoid negative thoughts and negative
realations .persons having good spirit can live longer and need to hospitalized
very rarely.Always try to be happy person because there is a great realation
between happiness and heart diseases. Always be happy and make others too.
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