Swine flu is a contagious, and it spreads in the same way as the seasonal flu spreads. When people who are suffering from H1N1 virus cough or sneeze, they spread the virus into the air. When a healthy person come in the contact with these viruses or touch a surface which an infected person has recent touched, you can catch H1N1 swine flu.
Swine Flu Symptoms:
Most symptoms are the same as seasonal flu. They can include:
Most symptoms are the same as seasonal flu. They can include:
Cough,fever,sore throat,stuffy or runny nose,body aches,headache,chills,fatigue

Swine Flu Do’s & Don’t
• Should follow personal hygienes frequently
• prevent the spread of germs through cough etiquette
• Have vaccines and medicines only under medical advice
• Parents should be aware to improve their children’s immunity
• Do not eat or drink after others without complete sanitization of containers or utensils.
• Avoid contact with the sick persons
• Drink sufficient water and have high nutrient diet.
• Stay out of crowds as possible. Wear a surgical mask in areas of high traffic concentration.
• prevent the spread of germs through cough etiquette
• Have vaccines and medicines only under medical advice
• Parents should be aware to improve their children’s immunity
• Do not eat or drink after others without complete sanitization of containers or utensils.
• Avoid contact with the sick persons
• Drink sufficient water and have high nutrient diet.
• Stay out of crowds as possible. Wear a surgical mask in areas of high traffic concentration.
Prevention of Transmission to Humans-
Farmers working with pigs and veterinarians must use a face mask when dealing with infected animals. Wearing gloves when working with sick animals
Farmers working with pigs and veterinarians must use a face mask when dealing with infected animals. Wearing gloves when working with sick animals
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