Thursday 9 June 2016

Aster MIMS Calicut becomes first private hospital in Kerala with a dedicated Palliative Care ward

On Thursday, June 09, 2016

Aster MIMS Calicut has become the first private hospital in Kerala with a dedicated Palliative Care ward. The specialised Palliative Care ward which was inaugurated on June 7, 2016 will be an extension of the Aster MIMS Oncology Centre.
The World Health Organization in 2002 defined palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.” Palliative Care offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible to the end, while helping the family cope during the patient’s illness and in their own bereavement.
Speaking to media at the inauguration, Dr. Vineetha Rijju, Specialist in Palliative Oncology at Aster MIMS, Kozhikode says, ‘Life with a serious disease like cancer is often associated with a lot of suffering, all the more so when the cancer is incurable. Pain and other symptoms like nausea and breathing difficulties make life unbearable not only for the patient but also for the family who cannot bear to see someone close in agony. The Palliative Care ward will focus on managing and controlling these distressing symptoms by providing pain relief and comfort when a cure is no longer possible.’ 
The Palliative Care ward will take care of the suffering in patients with incurable diseases, considerably diminishing the anguish for the patient and the family. The Palliative Care ward will employ the principles of ‘active total care’ to improve quality of life, treating pain and other symptoms, at the same time offering social, emotional and spiritual support.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Narayanankutty Warrier, Sr. Consultant and HOD at the Aster MIMS Oncology Centre said, ‘Specially designed for patients who require palliative care on an ongoing basis in an inpatient setting, the ward has four beds to begin with and will be expanded later as required. The focus of the care will be pain relief through medication and managing the symptoms to help the patient live a quality pain-free life in the terminal stages. The patients and their families will get much needed support from a multi-disciplinary team in a calm professional environment during their trying time.’
Dr. Rahul Menon, CEO Aster MIMS Calicut said, ‘While there are many palliative care units in Kerala which provide home visits, outpatient services and medicines, we are proud to be the first private hospital in Kerala to have a dedicated ward for Palliative Care. This specialised ward will help terminally ill patients get support and relief when home-based care is not possible. This initiative underscores our commitment to providing world class medical facilities to all our patients.’

Friday 27 May 2016

First Time in Kerala: Aster MIMS conducted 4 Cadaveric Transplants in a Day

On Friday, May 27, 2016

A highly appreciable and proud day for the Entire multi-organ transplant team who could transplant 4 organs in a day saving four lives. Heart, Liver, two kidneys were transplanted in four patients. Watch this video to be a part of this milestone achievement.  


Read More :   Aster MIMS Becomes First Hospital In Kerala To Receive And Successfully Conduct 4 Organ Transplants In A Day

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Aster MIMS becomes first hospital in Kerala to receive and successfully conduct 4 organ transplants in a day

On Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We have done it again..................

As an institution that has always set standards, Aster MIMS Kozhikode, has once again made the impossible, a practical possibility. We have become the first hospital in Kerala to receive and successfully conduct four organ transplants in a single day. This was done at the discretion of the KNOS (Kerala Network for Organ Sharing), a division under the Dept of Health, Government of Kerala.

Following the death of a 37-year old woman from Kasaragod District, her family volunteered for organ donation. Her heart, liver and kidneys were all transported from Pariyaram Medical College and transplanted at Aster MIMS on Monday.

A team of doctors from Aster MIMS harvested the organs at Pariyaram, and the same was transported to Aster MIMS Kozhikode in two separate ambulances. The police force of both these cities did their bit, creating a green corridor which ensured that the organs reached the hospital in Kozhikode in a record time of one hour and 40 mins.

Four teams of doctors were ready and waiting to conduct the transplants in various patients. While the heart was received by a 27 year old male from Iringannur with a Dialated Cardio Myopathy, the liver gave new life to a 51 yr old male from Malapuram district. A 25 year old woman from Koyilandy and a 51 yr old woman from Vadakara received each of the kidneys.

Dr Rahul Menon, CEO Aster MIMS said, "Accepting and conducting four transplants in a day was a great challenge, and we congratulate our doctors and staff, who rose to the occasion. Harvesting, transporting and transplanting the organs from 140 kms away requires coordination, dedication and expertise, and credit also needs to be shared with the Kerala police force."

Mr U Basheer, Executive Director of Aster MIMS, Kozhikode, also echoed the same sentiments and congratulated and thanked the teams.

Friday 20 May 2016

മഴക്കാലം വരുന്നു , അസുഖങ്ങളും

On Friday, May 20, 2016
പൊള്ളുന്ന വേനലിനു ശേഷം വരുന്ന മൺസൂൺ മഴ കുളിർമ്മ നൽകുന്നതാണ്. കുട്ടികൾ കളിക്കാനും മഴയത്ത് നനയാനും ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു. ഒട്ടുമിക്ക ആളുകളും തണുത്ത മഴ ആസ്വദിക്കുകയും വരണ്ടുണങ്ങിയ ഭൂമി പുനർജ്ജീവിച്ച്‌ പുൽനാമ്പുകൾ കിളിർത്തുവരുന്ന ഇക്കാലം ഡോക്ടർമാർക്ക് തിരക്കിന്‍െറ കാലമാണ്. ആശുപത്രികളിലെ ഔട്ട്‌ പേഷ്യൻറ് വിഭാഗം ഡോക്ടർമാർക്ക് മഴയത്ത് സാധാരണ വരുന്ന അസുഖങ്ങല്ക്ക് സാക്ഷികളാകുന്നു . വൈറൽ അസുഖങ്ങളായ ജലദോഷം, ചുമ, വയറിനെ ബാധിക്കുന്ന അണുബാധ, വയറിളക്കം, ടൈഫോയ്ഡ്, മഞ്ഞപ്പിത്തം ( ഹെപ്പറ്റൈറ്റിസ് എ ), മലേറിയ, ഡെങ്കു എന്നിവ തലപൊക്കുന്നു.
സാധാരണ കണ്ടുവരുന്ന അസുഖം വൈറസ്ബാധമൂലമുണ്ടാകുന്ന അണുബാധകളാണ്.അത് പനിയ്ക്കും മറ്റു ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾക്കും കാരണമാകുന്നു. ഈർപ്പം വർധിക്കുന്നത് ഒരാളിൽനിന്നും മറ്റൊരാളിലേക്ക് പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് രോഗപ്രതിരോധ ശക്തി കുറഞ്ഞവരിലേക്ക് അണുബാധ പെട്ടെന്ന് പകരാൻ കാരണമാകുന്നു. പനി, തളർച്ച, ദേഹംവേദന, ചുമ, തൊണ്ടവേദന എന്നിവ വൈറൽ പനിയുടെ ലക്ഷണങ്ങളാണ്.
ജലജന്യരോഗങ്ങളും മഴക്കാലത്ത് സാധാരണയായി കണ്ടുവരുന്നു. അവ വയറിൽ അണുബാധ ഉണ്ടാക്കുകയും വയറിളക്കമുണ്ടാവുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു. മലിനമായ മഴവെള്ളം ഇറ്റുവീഴുന്നത്, ശുചീകരണത്തിന്‍െറ അഭാവം, അഴുക്കുചാലിലൂടെയുള്ള ജലനിർക്ഷമനസംവിധാനം ശരിയായരീതിയിൽ നടക്കാത്തത് എന്നിവ ജലം അശുദ്ധമാകുന്നതിന് കാരണമാകുന്നു. അങ്ങനെ ജലജന്യരോഗങ്ങൾക്കു വഴിതെളിക്കുന്നു. വൃത്തിഹീനമായ അന്തരീക്ഷത്തിൽ തെരുവിലെ ഭക്ഷണശാലയിൽനിന്നു ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നതും അണുബാധ ഉണ്ടാകുന്നതിനു കാരണമാകുന്നു.
വേറൊരു ജലജന്യരോഗമാണ് ഹെപ്പറ്റൈറ്റിസ് എ , മഞ്ഞപ്പിത്തമെന്ന പേരിലാണ് ഇവ പൊതുവെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്. ഹെപ്പറ്റൈറ്റിസ് എ വൈറസ്ബാധമൂലം ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന ഈ രോഗം അശുദ്ധമായ ഭക്ഷണം, വെള്ളം എന്നിവയിലൂടെയാണ് പകരുന്നത്. പനി, തളർച്ച, തൊളിപ്പുറമേയും കണ്ണുകളിലും മഞ്ഞനിറം ഇരുണ്ടനിറത്തിൽ മൂത്രം പോവുക തുടങ്ങിയവയാണ് ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ.
മൺസൂൺ കാലങ്ങളിൽ ടൈഫോയ്ഡ് വർധിക്കുന്നതായി കണ്ടുവരാറുണ്ട്. എസ്.ടൈഫി എന്ന ബാക്ടീരിയ ആണ് രോഗം പടർത്തുന്നത്. ഇവയും മലിനമായ ഭക്ഷണത്തിലൂടെയും വെള്ളത്തിലൂടെയുമാണ് പകരുന്നത്. ഉയർന്ന പനി, തലവേദന, തൊലിപ്പുറമേ തടിപ്പ്, വയറുവേദന, വയറിളക്കം എന്നിവയാണ് ചില ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ.
വിരളമായി കണ്ടുവരുന്നതും മഴക്കാലത്ത് ഉണ്ടാകുന്നതുമായ മറ്റൊരു അസുഖമാണ് ലെപ്റ്റോസ്പൈറോസിസ് അഥവാ വെയ്ൽസ് രോഗം. അസുഖമുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന അണുക്കൾ എലിയുടെ മൂത്രം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അസുഖം ബാധിച്ച മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും മൃഗങ്ങളുടെ മൂത്രം വെള്ളത്തിൽ കലരുകയും ആ വെള്ളവുമായി സമ്പർക്കമുണ്ടാവുകയും ചെയ്യുമ്പോയാണ് അസുഖമുണ്ടാകുന്നത്. ചെളിയിലൂടെയോ വെല്ലപ്പൊക്കത്തിലൂടെയോ നടക്കുകയും കാലിൽ മുറിവുകളോ വ്രണങ്ങളോ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നാൽ അണുബാധയുണ്ടാകാം. ഉയർന്ന പനി , തലവേദന, രക്തം പോവുക, പേശിവേദന, കുളിര്, കണ്ണുകൾക്ക്‌ ചുവപ്പ്, ഛർദ്ദി തുടങ്ങിയവയാണ് ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ.
മൺസൂൺകാലത്ത് ഒത്തിരി സ്ഥലങ്ങളിൽ മഴവെള്ളം കെട്ടിക്കിടക്കാനിടായാകുന്നു. അത് എലികൾ പെറ്റുപെരുകുന്നതിനു കാരണമാകുന്നു. ഇത് എലിജന്യ രോഗങ്ങളായ മലേറിയ, ഡെങ്കി എന്നിവയ്ക്കു കാരണമാകുന്നു. ഉയർന്ന പനിയും കുളിരും തലവേദന , സന്ധിവേദന, മനംപിരട്ടൽ, ഛർദ്ദി, വയറിളക്കം, അസ്വസ്ഥത എന്നിവയാണ് ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ. ഡെങ്കുവിൻന്‍െറയും മലേറിയയുടേയും ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ ഒരുപോലെയാണെങ്കിലും അവ തമ്മിൽ ചില വ്യത്യാസങ്ങളുണ്ട്. ഡെങ്കു പനിക്ക് സാധാരണയായി ശക്തമായ തലവേദനയും എല്ലുകൾക്ക് വേദനയും ഉണ്ടാകാറുണ്ട്. ഇത് പെട്ടെന്ന് അപ്രത്യക്ഷമാവുമെങ്കിലും സാധാരണ തൊലിപ്പുറമേ തടിപ്പുകളായി വീണ്ടും പ്രത്യക്ഷപ്പെടുന്നു. ലാബ് ടെസ്റ്റുകൾ രോഗനിർണ്ണയം ഉറപ്പാക്കുന്നു. ഈയിടെയായി കൊതുകു പരത്തുന്ന രോഗമായ ചിക്കുൻഗുനിയയും കണ്ടുവരുന്നു.
മഴക്കാലത്ത് അണുബാധയ്ക്കെതിരെ ചില അടിസ്ഥാന മുൻകരുതലുകൾ എടുക്കേണ്ടതാണ് .
1. മലിനമാകാൻ സാധ്യതയുള്ള ഭക്ഷണവും വെള്ളവും ഒഴിവാക്കുക.
2. കുടിക്കുവാൻ സുരക്ഷിതമായ തിളപ്പിച്ച വെള്ളം മാത്രം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക .
3. വ്യക്തി ശുചിത്വം ഉറപ്പുവരുത്തണം. ഭക്ഷണം പാകം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുമുമ്പും കഴിക്കുന്നതിനു മുമ്പും ടോയ്‌ലെറ്റിൽ പോയി വന്നതിനുശേഷവും കൈകൾ സോപ്പ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് വൃത്തിയായി കഴുകുക. ഇത് ജലജന്യ രോഗങ്ങളെ തടയും.
4. ഈച്ച കയറാതിരിക്കുവാൻ ഭക്ഷണവും വെള്ളവും അടച്ച് സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.
5. മഴവെള്ളം കെട്ടിക്കിടക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലങ്ങളിലും വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കമുള്ള പ്രദേശങ്ങളിലും നടക്കുമ്പോൾ അനുയോജ്യമായ പാദരക്ഷ ധരിക്കുക. പോയിവന്നതിനുശേഷം സോപ്പ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് കാൽപ്പാദങ്ങൾ വൃത്തിയായി കഴുകുക.
6. ലക്ഷണങ്ങൾ ഒന്നും നിസ്സാരമായി കാണരുത്. സമയത്ത് അനുയോജ്യമായ വൈദ്യോപദേശം തേടേണ്ടതാണ്. മഴക്കാലത്ത് വീട്ടുവൈദ്യവുമായി സമയം കളയരുത്. ചികിത്സക്ക് കാലതാമസമുണ്ടാകുന്നത് അസുഖങ്ങൾ സങ്കീർണമാവാൻ വഴിതെളിക്കും.
ഈ മുൻകരുതലുകൾ എടുത്താൽ മഴക്കാലം നമുക്ക് ആസ്വദിക്കാനും വേനൽക്കാലത്തെ ചൂടിന്‍െറഓർമകളെ വിട്ട് ശാന്തമായിരിക്കാനും സാധിക്കും.

ഡോ .സുധ കൃഷ്ണനുണ്ണി എം.ഡി ഡി.സി.എച്ച് സീനിയർ കൺസൾട്ടൻറ്, പീഡിയാട്രിക്സ്, ആസ്റ്റർ മിംസ് ,കോഴിക്കോട്

Thursday 12 May 2016

Caging the ‘Lupus’ wolf

On Thursday, May 12, 2016

When my mobile rang showing an unknown number, I expected a marketing call for a new credit card or a car loan! I was pleasantly surprised when the caller started off by wishing me, “Happy World Lupus Day, Doctor!” When she introduced herself, I realised that it was a patient who had been treated by me for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) during her pregnancy. She had delivered a baby girl last month and the family was happy that the pregnancy had been without any complications despite the SLE.

SLE is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in and can damage any part of the body including skin, joints, and organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain. Autoimmune refers to the process of the body’s immune system turning against itself. Globally, around 5 million people suffer from SLE. It is around eight times more common in women than in men. The prevalence is lower in India, but with urbanisation and changing lifestyle, there has been an increase in the occurrence of SLE.

SLE is difficult to diagnose as it mimics many other diseases. Its primary symptoms are a non-specific fever and skin rash which are also the symptoms of many other diseases. Due to this, SLE is difficult to diagnose, and patients sometimes suffer for years without diagnosis and incorrect treatment. This delay in diagnosis can also be fatal if the inflammation involves a major organ. World Lupus Day is celebrated on May 10th each year to create greater awareness and understanding of lupus, so that diagnosis can be made early. The word ‘Lupus’ comes from the Latin word for wolf, and early diagnosis and treatment can help to ‘cage the wolf’ and prevent complications from tissue and organ damage resulting from the inflammation. As there is no ‘cure’, treatment focuses on easing the symptoms through suitable medicines such as anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine (used to treat malaria). Immunomodulators, medicines which modify the immune systems response are also used in the management of SLE. Monoclonal antibodies offer a new line of treatment to patients who do not respond to conventional line of treatment.

The symptoms of lupus range from the mild to the life threatening and many people have long periods with few or no symptoms before experiencing a sudden flare-up, where their symptoms are particularly severe. This peculiarity plays a major role for women with SLE during pregnancy.

Many women with SLE are worried about getting pregnant because of potential problems during a pregnancy. But SLE does not reduce a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Also, less than 50% of pregnancies in women with lupus have complications. All lupus pregnancies are considered high-risk, as complications like miscarriage, premature delivery, and preeclampsia (sudden rise in blood pressure) can occur. Proper treatment started early on in the pregnancy to counter risks of complications ensures a safe pregnancy. Regular visits to the doctor can help to monitor the baby’s growth, as well as the kidney and liver for any damage and also catch and treat any flare ups in the SLE early.

Pre conception counselling and a multi-disciplinary approach with the rheumatologist, obstetrician and paediatric cardiologist is an important factor in the successful management of pregnancy in a patient with SLE. At Aster MIMS Calicut, we have successfully caged the ‘lupus’ wolf and helped over 150 women with SLE have a safe and happy outcome to their pregnancies.

Sr. Consultant and HOD

Thursday 5 May 2016

Aster MIMS charts out an ambitious route to consolidate and expand presence in North Kerala

On Thursday, May 05, 2016
Aster MIMS – one of North Kerala’s leading healthcare providers announced ambitious plans to consolidate and expand its presence in the region. Part of Aster DM Healthcare, Aster MIMS which currently has two hospitals in Calicut and Kotakkal will have two new hospitals in Kannur and Kozhikode.

The greenfield projects that are currently under development include Aster MIMS Kannur which will be a 250-bed multispecialty hospital and Aster MIMS Kozhikode which will be a 300-bedsuperspecialtyhospital focussed on Emergency and Critical Care, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and Cardiology. Both these projects are likely to be operational by 2018.

In addition to the two new hospitals, Aster MIMS Calicut will get a new block that will house Comprehensive Centre for Health check,advanced referral laboratory, International Patient Lounge, a 75-bed patient bystanders room and a multi-level car parking. Aster MIMS, the 675-bed state-of-the-art multispecialty facility which is also India’s first NABH accredited hospital will become one of the biggest healthcare facility in North Kerala.

Aster MIMS will focus a lot more on Emergency Medicine not only within its own hospitals, but also on other secondary and tertiary healthcare providers in the region. While some healthcare providers such Tirur Nursing Home at Tirur benefited through dedicated Aster MIMS Emergency care Unit, the same will be launched in some other hospitals like Relief Hospital -Kondotty and Malabar Hospital- Manjery in the next few months. The objective of this initiative is to empower healthcare providers in North Kerala with advanced emergency medical care facilities to avoid death while moving critical patients to major medical centres for advanced care.
We also provide continued medical training to the peripheral hospitals. Tellicherry Co-operative Hospital, Asha Hospital, Vadakara, Santhi Hospital, Omasseryare few of them.

Speaking about the plans for Aster MIMS, Dr. Azad Moopen – Founder and Chairman of Aster DM Healthcare said, “Aster MIMS is a leading provider of quality healthcare in North Kerala and the NABH certification earned by the two existing hospitals in Calicut and Kotakkal is a testimonial to that. We have always been committed to create centres of excellence in the region and the two new hospitals coming up in Kannur and Kozhikode are aimed at strengthening the delivery of world-class health services to the people.”

Heart Surgery @75000
Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS) was founded in 2001 with the first hospital in Calicut followed by the second hospital in Kotakkal that was inaugurated in 2009. Brought under the umbrella of Aster DM Healthcare, the hospitals were rebranded in 2015 as Aster MIMS. As part of its 15 year celebrations, Aster MIMS will offer heart surgeries at the lowest rate in Kerala (Rs.75000) for financially deserving heart patients who are the bread winners in their family. Around 100 adults will benefit from this special rate. To avail this benefit, patient can contact relations department at Aster MIMS Calicut. Contact Number 0495-3091196

Apart from this, Aster MIMS also reduced rates in Radiology, Emergency and Critical Care, diagnostics and other treatment services to make quality healthcare and facility accessible to the underprivileged and underserved sections of the society.

For more information, please contact:
T B Venugopal  | Mobile:  9847041616 | E Mail:
Jeevan Chandy | Mobile:  9447302033 | E Mail:

Saturday 26 March 2016

How a lady teacher could step back from the urge of committing suicide

On Saturday, March 26, 2016


Over a period of six months last year in Delhi, retired Professor of Biology V.P. Shobhana underwent three root canal procedures and other forms of dental treatment to rid her of the pain that tore through her face. Yet, there was no respite from it because, the problem was not dental.
It was neurological: trigeminal neuralgia that affects the fifth of the twelve cranial nerves. A branch of this nerve runs below the lower jaw. That explains why one rushes to the dentist first.
A blood vessel compression on the nerve results in searing pain, says neurosurgeon Jacob Alappat, who did a microvascular decompression surgery on Mrs. Shobhana at Aster MIMS Kozhikode to relieve her of the problem.
“I could not sleep at night. It is true that the pain can drive you to suicide. We were staying on the eighth floor of an apartment in Delhi, and I went through that urge,” she says.
Dr. Alappat wants people to learn from Mrs. Shobhana’s case how vital accurate diagnosis is to end the agony that this problem causes.
“I underwent the root canal procedures with the dentist not realising what the actual problem was. When the pain never subsided, I was referred to another dentist and after a brief course of treatment, he realised that the problem lay elsewhere,” recounts Mrs. Shobhana.
Mrs. Shobhana’s daughter got a lead on the actual problem from the doctor-husband of a contact at her workplace. At that time, the entire family was set to move back to Kozhikode.
Back in their hometown, she consulted Dr. Alappat, who identified the compression through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). “We decided to perform a decompression surgery to provide permanent relief, though it too had the risk of five per cent to ten per cent chance of recurrence,” says the surgeon.
Surgery is the last option, after drugs prove to be ineffective. Also, those who do not want to take drugs life-long fearing side-effects, opt for the surgery. “We operate only on those who have exhausted the drug option, because a brain surgery has its share of risks too,” Dr. Alappat points out.
Accurate diagnosis is vital to end early the agony this problem inflicts on people. This is possible only if the symptoms are read clearly and patients referred to neurosurgeons.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Some Scars Are Worth It: A Real-life Story

On Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Giving the gift of life to a person in need is the noblest of acts. The act of Organ Donation opens a fresh chapter of positivity & hope for everyone involved. When you share, you can proudly claim that ‘it is mysecondlife too’. Spend a few minutes to watch this true-life story showing human generosity in its best form. Join the movement by sharing the message with the tag #mysecondlife.


Watch More Stories Here :

Thursday 11 February 2016

Aster MIMS Unveils India’s First Interactive Surgery Guide

On Thursday, February 11, 2016
                Aster MIMS Unveils India’s First Interactive Surgery Guide

                        Launched ‘Some Scars Are Worth It’ initiative

Kozhikode, February 10, 2016: Aster MIMS today unveiled ‘Aster MIMS Surgery Guide’, a first-of-its-kind guide to provide patients with information pertaining to surgical procedures. The guide would cover more than 150 minor and major surgeries, and would be available as an app, on the website and other offline medium. The occasion was also used to launch the ‘Some Scars Are Worth It’ initiative, a public awareness campaign to make surgical procedures accessible and acceptable.

The ‘Aster MIMS Surgery Guide’ would be available in Malayalam and English, and would offer a wide range of information including definition, procedure, risk involved, method,pre-surgery care and post-surgery care for all the listed procedures. The app would be available on iOS as well as Android platforms and would offer an inbuilt facility for patients to consult doctors and even make direct calls to the hospital in cases of emergency.

The ‘Aster MIMS Surgery Guide’ website would carry a comprehensive set of patient-centric FAQs to address common questions and it would also have a facility for them to consult experts from various fields of medicine. The website and the app are designed to offer accurate and customisable content depending on the patients’ requirements and would also carry news and happenings from the world of medicine to keep everyone abreast of the latest developments in the field.

‘Some Scars Are Worth It’ is a public awareness campaign against the ignorance and myths surrounding surgical procedures and to raise awareness about the role surgeries play in reducing the global burden of disease. The campaign is designed to address surgery-related issues through reliable medical information in a simplified language and through patient testimonies that common people can identify with. The key focus area of this initiative is ‘Donate Organs, Save Lives’, ‘Patient Stories’ and ‘Aster MIMS Surgery Guide’.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr U Basheer, Executive Director said, “Aster MIMS is one of the few paperless healthcare service providers in Kerala. We have now taken on the mission to simplify surgical procedures to the end user. This new app is easy to use and designed in a patient centric manner, thus addressing the growing need for immediate access to health care information. A smart phone is all it takes.

”Dr Rahul Menon, CEO Aster-MIMS added, “When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the ‘Digital India’ initiative, one of the key areas of focus was electronic delivery of services including healthcare. We believe that the ‘Aster MIMS Surgery Guide’ is a step closer in making Digital India a reality and in democratising healthcare through knowledge sharing and information. While the ‘Some Scars Are Worth It’ will help break the myths surrounding surgeries, we hope the people find this guide useful and that it will eventually benefit a large audience, irrespective of geographical and language barriers.

”Prof. Dr Karthikeya Varma, Chief of Medical Services, Aster Group said, “Often times, we come across patients who have hospital anxiety and fear of surgery. In medical parlance, it is termed as Nosocomephobia and tomophobia. We hope that with this app, those people will be able to conquer their fears through a better and in-depth understanding of procedures. The app details pre and post-op care, and also explains how or what is to happen, thus educating both the patient and their family.”

The app can now be downloaded at:

About Aster Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd (MIMS)

Aster Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd (MIMS) is a pioneer institute in the state of Kerala  renowned for its excellent medical expertise, nursing care and quality of diagnostic services.  The 600-bed multi-specialty hospital located in the heart of Kozhikode city is at the forefront of medical technology and backed by internationally trained and highly qualified medical professionals, who administer the best available medical services across all major disciplines of medicine and surgery.MIMS is committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in healthcare for the benefit of the humanity. MIMS is the first multi-specialty hospital accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers (NABH).

For Further details contact:

Soumya Balakrishnan – 9995057048 –

Jeevan Chandy – 9447302033 –

Monday 8 February 2016

Aster DM Healthcare Launches Aster SAFEROADS CSR Campaign #iPLEDGE with legendary Sachin Tendulkar across the India & G.C.C

On Monday, February 08, 2016

                As part of its vision to make Indian roads safer, Aster DM Healthcare launched a national socialresponsibility effort under ‘Aster SafeRoads i#PLEDGE’ along with Cricket Legend Sachin Tendulkar, in New Delhi. Dr. Azad Moopen,Founder Chairmanand Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare, a leading healthcare service provider in India and G.C.C took the ‘iPledge’ along with Sachin Tendulkar and thousands of school children at Indira Gandhi Indoor stadium to officially launch this corporate responsibility movement across India. Prior to taking the #ipledge, Sachin Tendulkar along with Dr. Moopen walked on the zebra crossing of the signal near the stadium with some school children in reiteration of the safe manner to cross roads as also to remind drivers about the sanctity of the zebra crossing.The movement seeks to engage with millions of Indians to take the #ipledge on their Twitter and Facebook profiles.        
‘Aster SafeRoads’ is another significant addition to Aster DM Healthcare’s impressive efforts in offering a Healing Touch and Making a World of Difference. Aster has been involved in deploying Mobile Medical Units for Community Healthcare, developing Early Cancer Detection Centres, supporting Dialysis Centre as also offering Cardiac Surgery for the economically backward as also offering support to paediatric cardiac cases with their Little Hearts initiative. The underlying principle of ‘Aster SafeRoads’ is embodied in the principle Good healthcare starts with prevention. To combat the potential human and economic loss to the nation, 
Aster DM Healthcare’s is taking the lead of to encourage simple steps to avoid mishaps on the road.

Be it crossing roads, reducing speed or stopping at a zebra crossing, “Aster SafeRoads #iPLEDGE” movement plans to educate and inculcate responsible road habits and behaviour among citizens by encouraging children to be the agents of change. The campaign will include activities to raise awareness about road safety rules, traffic signs, road etiquette, road markings as well as first-aid. The ’Aster SafeRoads’ campaign will actively engage with members of the public on best road safety practices.

Aster SAFEROADS #iPLEDGE involves:
·         #iPLEDGE to always wear a seat belt
·         #iPLEDGE to not be on the phone while driving
·         #iPLEDGE to use zebra crossing, subways and footpaths.
·         #iPLEDGE to always wear a helmet
According to Ministry of Road Transport, Government of India, a life is lost every 3.7 minutes in India due to road accidents resulting in annual fatalities of 1.2 million and serious injuries to over 5.5 million Indians over the last decade. Last year, 2,38,562road accident fatalities 
occurred. Over 67,324homes lost their breadwinners to road accidents and over 43,562parents lost their children. According to another report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), speeding and dangerous driving were the biggest reasons for road fatalities. Accidents involving two-wheelers and trucks & lorries accounted for nearly half of the lives lost in road crashes.

Commenting on the burgeoning cases of road accidents in the country, Dr. Azad Moopen, Founder Chairman & Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare said, ‘’ The ‘epidemic’ of road fatalities and disabilities is gradually being recognised as a public health concern. As a leading healthcare provider we believe that it is a shared responsibility to raise public consciousness and encourage preventable behaviours to reduce the human and economic toll of road injuries. Aster Corporate Social Responsibility efforts will complement the Government’s national campaign on road safety.”

“At Aster DM Healthcare we believe that the large instances of road related incidents can be tackled through change in our behaviour and attitude and we are committing a significant financial and physical resources towards this endeavour. Road related incidents are avoidable and we will prove it through our efforts with Aster SafeRoads,’’ added Dr. Moopen.
Aster DM Healthcare’s will also leverage its facilities across the country including Aster Medcity (Kochi), Aster MIMS (Kottakkal), DM WIMS (Wayanad), Aster Aadhar Hospital (Kolhapur), Aster CMI Hospital (Bengaluru), Aster Prime Hospital (Hyderabad), Aster Medipoint Hospital (Pune) to build awareness among the local communities and engage with the stakeholders with Aster SafeRoads. These facilities are located in states like Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Kerala which have been identified as some of the states contributing to significant number of road accidents.
Commenting on the Aster SafeRoads initatives, Sachin Tendulkar said, “I’m happy to see that an initiative like Aster SafeRoads is being undertaken to address the grave problem of road fatalities in India. We are reaching out to school children across the country to be the custodians of the ‘iPledge’ campaign as their voices will echo with greater impact across audiences of all ages. I request every Indian to actively participate and take the #iPledge for safer roads. I am sure my young champions will make a difference and significantly reduce the road fatalities in the country which will be a stupendous achievement.”
About Aster DM Healthcare
Incepted in 1987, Aster DM Healthcare currently owns and operates a network of more than 290 healthcare units across West Asia and India,which includes 14 hospitals, encompassing clinics, pharmacies, and a modern medical city. These network units operate under the brand names, ASTER, MEDCARE, ASTER Medcity and Aster MIMS, ACCESS.   The company offers primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary care in order to meet distinct needs of people in 9 countries.

It has more than 13,000 employees including more than 1,500 doctors and 3,000 paramedical personnel focused on delivering compassionate care. The group treats more than 25,000 patients on an average daily across its facilities.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

റോഡ്‌ സുരക്ഷാ ബോധവൽക്കരണം സഠഘടിപ്പിച്ചു

On Tuesday, February 02, 2016

റോഡ്, വാഹനങ്ങൾക്കും കാൽ നടയാത്രക്കാർക്കും വേണ്ടിയുള്ളതാണ് . റോഡിലെ ഓരോ ചലനങ്ങൾക്കും നിയമമുണ്ട് . ഈ നിയമങ്ങൾ പാലിക്കാൻ നാം ബാദ്ധ്യസ്ഥരാണ്. ഇത് ഏവരുടെയും സുരക്ഷയ്ക്കായി ഉണ്ടാക്കിയുട്ടുള്ളതുമാണ് . ദിനംപ്രതി കൂടികൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന വാഹനാപകടം ഒട്ടേറെ കുടുംബങ്ങളെയാണ്‌ അനാഥരാക്കുന്നത് . പലപ്പോഴും പുതു തലമുറയിൽപെട്ടവർ അശ്രദ്ധയോടെയാണ് നമ്മുടെ പൊതുനിരത്തുകൾ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്നത് . തെല്ലൊന്നു ശ്രദ്ധിച്ചാൽ നമുക്ക് നമ്മുടെ ജീവൻ സുരക്ഷിതമാക്കാം . അതുകൊണ്ട് തന്നെ വർദ്ധിച്ചു വരുന്ന റോഡ്‌ അപകടങ്ങൾക്കെതിരെ കോഴിക്കോട് സിറ്റി പോലീസ് വിഭാഗം സഠഘടിപ്പിച്ച റോഡ്‌ സുരാക്ഷ ബോധവൽക്കരണം വളരെയേറെ പ്രാധാന്യമർഹിക്കുന്ന ഒന്നാണ് . അതോടനുബന്ധിച്ച് രാമനാട്ടുകരയിൽ തുടങ്ങി കോഴിക്കോട് ബീച്ച് വരെ ജനുവരി 23 മുതൽ റോഡ്‌ ഷോ സഠഘടിപ്പിച്ചു.

Monday 25 January 2016


On Monday, January 25, 2016

The Kozhikode District Football Association (KDFA) and Mondial Sports LLP welcome the international media to announce the revival of the glorious SaitNagjee Trophy after a 21 year-long hiatus.
The event, renamed as “Aster MIMS Nagjee International Club Football Tournament,” will be flagged-off at the historic Kozhikode Corporation EMS stadium on February 5, 2016.
Football icon and one of the greatest players ever, Ronaldinho will be the Guest of Honour for the tournament and made a two-day visit to Kerala on January 24 and January 25, 2016. As stated by him “Football has the power to unite people. It has given me an opportunity and taught me universal values of Friendship and Unity. I am supporting the work carried by Football for Peace Global and proud today to be “Guest of Honour” of Nagjee International Club Football Tournament 2016 and becoming a Footballer for Peace”
For the first time in India, seven International club football teams from South America and Europe will play each other in the Aster MIMSNagjee International Club Football Tournament. The matches will be played over a period of two weeks up till February 21, 2016.
The event is more than just sport and skills.
A UK-based charitable trust, Football for Peace Global (FfP) will be the Charity partner with Aster MIMSNagjee International Club Football Tournament – 2016 and will undertake a legacy programme for school children in Kozhikode.
Acclaimed footballer Kashif Siddiqi, co-founder of FfP, will actively support the event in Kozhikode.The FfP is a diplomatic sports movement dedicated to inspiring people-to-people diplomacy and understanding within marginalised communities worldwide. The Charity legacy programs have been supported by the United Nations and the Duke of Cambridge – HRH Prince William.
Mr Kashif said, “it is a great privilege for me to partner with my football friend Ronaldinho to achieve our visions for Peace and undertake a FfP legacy programme in Kerala.”
Mr HifsuRehman from Mondial Sports LLP explained, “It has been our dream to revive and resume the glorious tournament in our home town. Our goal is to reach out to the young sporting talents who are deprived of basic infrastructure and facilitate them. Also, thanks to our collaboration with the FfP Global as Charity Partners, we can build a long term vision and an impacting legacy program.”To summarise, the tournament is about ``Passion, Pace and Peace.’’

Wednesday 6 January 2016

MIMS Rebranded as Aster MIMS

On Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, MIMS, a Multispecialty hospital at the heart of Calicut city has been renamed as Aster MIMS after the announcement made by the Board of Directors, on a conference on December, 29, 2015. This has been done to extend the medical services in Kerala by Aster DM Healthcare which has 293 establishments across 9 countries. Aster MIMS will continue the outstanding services in the entire healthcare industry that meets every requirements of patients with the world-class healthcare facilities that has skilled doctors, medical professionals, and a unique nature for care.           
MIMS, North Kerala’s top medical care provider was established at Calicut, in 2001 to offer complete health care services under a health care umbrella with 600-bed-state-of-the-art multi-specialtyfacility. This best quality services made MIMS to be India’s first NABH accredited hospital. Not only MIMS, Calicut is NABH accredited, but also MIMS, Kottakkal with 200 beds secondary care hospital which was established in 2009 has also been given the accreditation by NABH.
Aster DM Healthcare has now integrated MIMS Calicut and MIMS Kottakkal to continue the services with 4000-beds healthcare network in Kerala. By this, MIMS has become a part of Aster group of 14000 strong international team.With this transformation of consolidation, Aster DM healthcare will be known as Kerala’s biggest medical care provider and also largest provider of medical technology in South East Asia.

The consolidation of Aster DM healthcare with MIMS team has been initiated to establish a high quality international standard for providing a unique and complete cost effective solution to the people who seeks any treatment regardless of the severity.We do subscribe to the perspective that quality is the result of all treatments that happen inside of our healthcare organization. Total Quality Management (TQM), a department of management which standardizes strategized and continuous improvementsin our consolidation.We additionally emphasis on the changes to be made on systems and processesrather than on the individual.

We have a vision for promoting a safe place for patients and staff to encourage a society of value through our consolidation.Our main objective is toprovide high international quality of standard with execution of policies, guidelines and rules. Aster MIMS is quite committed to deliver comprehensive medical care with top-notch quality services, treating patients with a main focus of every change that is being done. Yes, it’s for sure that “Aster MIMS will treat you well”.